The results of the Lok Sabha elections became clear on Tuesday. In this, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) led National Democratic Alliance (NDA) has claimed to form the government by winning 292 seats. However, the opposition ‘India’ alliance is also claiming to form the government by winning 233 seats. Here, the role of Nitish Kumar’s JDU and Chandrababu Naidu’s TDP becomes important in forming the next government and the eyes of BJP-Congress are now fixed on them.
Lok Sabha Election Result: There is a tough competition between NDA and India alliance.
The results of the Lok Sabha elections became clear on Tuesday. In this, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) led National Democratic Alliance (NDA) has claimed to form the government by winning 292 seats. However, the opposition ‘India’ alliance is also claiming to form the government with 233 seats to its name. Here, the role of Nitish Kumar’s JDU and Chandrababu Naidu’s TDP becomes important in forming the next government and the eyes of BJP-Congress are now fixed on them.
The results of the Lok Sabha elections became clear on Tuesday. In this, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) led National Democratic Alliance (NDA) has claimed to form the government by winning 292 seats. However, the opposition ‘India’ alliance is also claiming to form the government with 233 seats to its name. Here, the role of Nitish Kumar’s JDU and Chandrababu Naidu’s TDP becomes important in forming the next government and the eyes of BJP-Congress are now fixed on them.
According to the results so far, BJP has won 240 seats, while Congress has won 99 seats. BJP has suffered a lot this time compared to the last election. In the 2019 Lok Sabha elections, the ruling party at the center won 303 seats on its own. Congress was reduced to 52 seats in that election. In such a situation, this time it may not have crossed the 100 mark, but its performance is being said to be good.
Let’s know all the latest updates related to the Lok Sabha election results…
The results of the Lok Sabha elections have become clear, in which NDA 293 has got a majority. BJP is claiming to form the government once again under the leadership of Narendra Modi. However, it has won only 240 seats and in such a situation, there is a need to keep Nitish Kumar’s JDU and Chandrababu Naidu’s TDP together to form the next government. In fact, India Alliance, which won 233 seats, is also trying to get these two parties with it. In such a situation, the coming days are also expected to be very interesting.
Former MP Rajesh Ranjan alias Pappu Yadav, who contested as an independent from Purnia Lok Sabha seat in Bihar, has won. Yadav defeated his nearest rival and sitting MP Santosh Kumar of the Janata Dal-United (JDU) by a margin of 23,847 votes. Yadav had merged his Jan Adhikar Party with the Congress before the Lok Sabha elections, but his hopes of contesting from Purnia were dashed after Congress ally RJD declared Bima Bharti, who had switched sides from the JD-U, as its candidate from the seat.
Bharti finished third and lost her deposit. Yadav got a total of 5,67,556 votes while Santosh Kumar got 5,43,709 votes.