Chandigarh Lok Sabha Election 2024 Congress has taken major action before the election results in Chandigarh. Congress has expelled the leaders of Bansal faction from the party. These leaders were opening a front against the President of Chandigarh Congress from the very beginning. The angry leaders had also resigned from their posts. Pawan Bansal kept himself away from the election campaign.
Before the election results came, Congress has taken action against many of its leaders. It is alleged that these are the leaders who worked against the party during the election campaign. These include senior party leaders. Apart from this, many leaders have been relieved from the post. All of them are supporters of former Union Minister Pawan Kumar Bansal.
He was angry with Manish Tiwari being made the candidate and Bansal not getting the ticket. These leaders were opening a front against the President of Chandigarh Congress from the very beginning. The angry leaders had also resigned from their posts. These leaders alleged that Congress President Lucky had made comments against former Union Minister Pawan Kumar Bansal.
Former Union Minister Bansal kept himself away from election campaign
Pawan Bansal kept himself away from election campaign. He came to Priyanka Gandhi’s rally only for show on the orders of the party high command, but here also he was pushed by two women councilors of Aam Aadmi Party, so Bansal group gave a lot of importance to this matter and said in a press conference that Congress’ alliance with Aam Aadmi Party on Chandigarh seat is a big mistake.
Action taken against more than 10 senior leaders of Bansal group
Action has been taken against more than 10 senior leaders of Bansal group after taking approval from the high command. This action has created a ruckus in the party. This action has been taken on the report of the observer appointed by the high command in the Lok Sabha elections.
The leaders who have been expelled from the party for 6 years include former president of Mahila Congress Deepa Dubey, Sahil Dubey, Abhishek Sharma, Hafiz Anwar Ul Haq, District Congress President Ravi Thakur. The leaders who have been removed from their posts include former mayor Har Phool Chand Kalyan Vinod Sharma Manoj Garg spokesperson Satish Kaid and Hakeem Sardi. All of them are Pawan Bansal’s associates and are senior officials of the state executive.