Prime Minister Narendra Modi also met Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau during the G7 Summit in Italy. PM Modi has shared the picture of this meeting on his Twitter handle. However, the bilateral talks between the two leaders have not yet taken place. It should be said that Prime Minister Modi is on a two-day visit to Italy to participate in the G-7 summit. Before this, he has also met French President Emmanuel Macron, American President Joe Biden, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi also recently responded to his Canadian counterpart Justin Trudeau’s congratulatory message. The response underlined New Delhi’s intention to cooperate with Ottawa on the basis of mutual understanding and respect for each other’s concerns. PM Modi had said that he is keen to work with Canada.
India took up this issue
India has consistently highlighted that the main issue in bilateral relations has been the pro-Khalistan element in Canada. Apart from this, several cases of Khalistani supporters threatening Indian diplomats have also come to light.
There was a rift in the relationship after the murder of Hardeep Nijhar
Let us tell that after the killing of Khalistani terrorist Hardeep Singh Nijhar in Canada, the relationship between India and Canada turned sour. Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau accused India of involvement in the murder of Hardeep Singh Nijhar. But India completely rejected these allegations of Canada and termed them as politically motivated and malicious.
Earlier, Justin Trudeau had come to India in September last year to participate in the G-20 Summit. Meanwhile, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had raised the issue of increasing Khalistani activities in Britain and Canada. During the bilateral talks, the PM expressed concern over the growing Khalistani supporters in both countries and their conspiracy against India. India has also demanded Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to stop Khalistani activities and stop protesting against India.