Many stomach problems are caused by what you eat. Gas problems are caused by your poor digestive system. Sometimes overeating, starving, eating fast food and spicy foods can lead to gas problem. This causes burning in the chest and throat. Along with eating and drinking wrongly, there are many vegetables which cause gas problem by eating them. Sometimes mess in food, sitting and working all day or drinking too much tea causes gas problem. That’s why today we will tell you about those vegetables, which are the cause of gas problem and should be consumed less or not at all.
raw tomato
Raw tomatoes can sometimes cause gas formation. It has a high amount of vitamin C, which increases the pH of the acid. spoils Never consume tomato based sauces, ketchups and soups at least or not at all when having gas problem.
Jackfruit vegetable contains a lot of fiber, which is not easy for everyone to digest. So this vegetable can cause indigestion to many people. If there is a gas problem, its consumption should be minimized.
raw lump
Consuming raw beetroot can increase the problem of gas. If excess consumption of raw betel nut is used, it disturbs the balance of hydrochloric acid, which leads to gas problem. This can cause gas when the stomach is upset.
Eggplant contains a substance called solanin. Consuming too much of it can cause gas, abdominal pain, vomiting, headache, itching and joint pain. Therefore, you should consume less brinjal.
Cauliflower vegetable
Cauliflower contains such nutrients, which make our stomach upset. So, if you have gas problem, you should not consume cauliflower.