The problem of pain in the neck has become common now. This problem is happening due to wrong lifestyle, lack of nutrients in food and drink. This pain is caused by sitting in a chair for several hours continuously or sleeping crooked. Elderly people face this problem more. People these days spend more and more of their time sitting on a chair, due to which they are suffering from premature back pain. Due to this pain, it becomes difficult to get up and sit down and it becomes difficult to work, due to which people start taking medicine, which is not healthy. Instead of taking painkillers, you can use these methods…
1. Sleep on time
To avoid neck pain, one should sleep at the right time every day. It is important to always sleep straight or in the correct size. Crooked sleeping causes many pains in the body, never use medicine to get rid of them. You can avoid this problem by sleeping in the right way and at the right time.
2. Exercise
There are many asanas to relieve the problem of neck pain but you should do the exercise as soon as you wake up in the morning. Exercise is very important to relieve this pain. This will keep the muscles active and get rid of blood clots.
3. A place to sit
The seating area and chair should be of good quality to avoid neck pain. Always sit properly. It reduces back pain. Do not sit in a chair that puts weight on the back.
4. Use of milk
Increase the amount of calcium and vitamin D in your diet. Vitamin-D is very important for bones. So you use milk, cheese or fish as much as possible.
5. Controlling weight
If you are overweight then you should control it. Excess weight causes back pain. Never take medicine to lose weight.
6. Smoking cigarettes
Smoking cigarettes clogs the blood vessels. Therefore, cigarettes are harmful to health.
7. Heavy lifting
Be careful while lifting anything heavy and never lift more than you dare. Doing so may cause pain in your neck.
8. Pay attention to posture
Your sitting posture can be the cause of neck pain. Do not put too much weight on the back while working in a chair for long periods of time. If this happens, the pain in the neck may increase. One should choose the best type of chair to sit on to relieve neck pain.