AC air is proving to be dangerous for many people. Many such patients are coming to the hospitals daily, who are suddenly feeling dizzy and falling due to dizziness in the sun.
AC air is proving to be dangerous for many people. Many such patients are coming to the hospitals daily, who are suddenly feeling dizzy and falling due to dizziness in the sun. When he reached the hospital, it was found that this was happening due to his blood pressure.
Along with this, doctors say that AC air can prove to be more dangerous for diabetic patients than for BP patients. If a diabetic patient suddenly goes out in the hot sun after sitting in the AC, the risk of brain stroke or ischemic stroke increases. So diabetic patients should take special care. Dr. Ashutosh Dubey, CMO, District Hospital, Lucknow, says that if you immediately leave the AC room and go into the sun, the body temperature deteriorates. In such a situation, it is very important to maintain the body temperature.
Dr. Satish Naik, neurosurgeon, Medical College, explains that when BP patients are sitting in AC, the veins constrict and when they suddenly go outside and reach the heat, the veins dilate and blood flow increases. Due to which the nerves of the brain become thin. Then the blood does not reach there properly.
In such a case, the possibility of brain stroke increases due to improper body temperature. While the blood of diabetic patients becomes thicker. In heat, their veins dilate and when they sit in AC or take a bath with cold water, the blood thickens and cannot reach some parts of the brain. Due to this, the risk of ‘ischemic stroke’ increases. Its effect can reach the heart.
Maintain body temperature
AC air and sunlight affect BP and diabetic patients the most in summer season. which can be harmful. Coming out of the AC and immediately into the sun and back into the AC distorts the body temperature. This can lead to many problems ranging from heart disease to brain stroke. Doctors say that one should stand outside for 5 minutes before going into the AC and keep the body temperature the same, while after going out into the sun outside the AC, one should stand outside for 5 minutes and go again.