There is a stir in the stock market due to the exit poll estimates for the Lok Sabha elections. BSE’s Sensex opened up 2,621.98 points or 3.55 per cent at 76,583. This is the highest level ever. Also, NSE’s Nifty opened at 23,337.90, up 807.20 points or 3.58 per cent. The stock market opened at historic highs.
A jump of 2000 points has been seen in Sensex in the pre-opening. A jump of 2000 points in the pre-opening itself has made it clear that today is a strong bullish day for the market, after the exit polls. The Sensex was trading at 76557 after jumping 2596 points or 3.51 per cent. NSE’s Nifty closed at 23,337.60, up 806.90 points or 3.58 per cent.
In 2019 too, a bumper boom was seen in the share market
In 2019, when exit polls predicted a BJP victory in more than 300 seats, the stock market saw a rise of 1.45 percent.
Today Gift Nifty showed a record high
Let us tell you that Nifty has opened above 23,300 for the first time. Bank Nifty has gained nearly 1600 points and Sensex is also trading above 76,000 for the first time. The Nifty opened 807 points higher at 23,337. The Sensex opened 2,622 points higher at 76,583 and the Bank Nifty rose 1,906 points at 50,889. After a strong start today, the market cap of companies listed on the BSE has crossed $5.1 trillion.
According to the exit poll released on Saturday, the Modi government has full chances of returning for the third term. The results will be out on Tuesday. If we talk about Friday, the market improved and the Nifty closed at 22,530 with an increase of 42 points. The Sensex closed up 75 points at 73,961 and the Bank Nifty rose 301 points at 48,983.
Gift Nifty reached a record high today and gave big signals for the stock market even before the market started. Gifty Nifty was seen up 823.50 points or 3.62 per cent at 23524.50. Thus today on 3 June 2024 Gifty Nifty has gone above 23500 for the first time.
Last week, even though the stock market saw huge fluctuations, but despite this, Sensex and Nifty touched their new all-time high levels. However, the Bombay Stock Exchange’s Sensex jumped 76 points to close at 73,961.31 last Friday, while the National Stock Exchange’s Nifty ended 42 points higher at 22,530. It is worth mentioning that Sensex’s all-time high is 76,009.68, while Nifty’s 52-week high is 23,110.80.
After the election results, there will be so much business throughout the week that the people running it will be exhausted.’ These words are not mine but Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s before the elections as you have just heard. Prime Minister Narendra Modi had said before the elections that after the results of June 4, there will be a huge boom in the share market. And after the exit poll, now this prediction seems to be true.
Let us tell you that the results of the Lok Sabha elections will be announced tomorrow. Even before this, a bumper bounce has been seen in the Indian stock market. As soon as the share market opened today, a jump of 2500 points has been seen in the Sensex. The signs of this were found from the pre-market today that how much of a boom can be seen in the share market after the results of June 4.
The expectation of this speed in the pre-open session was being expressed only after the exit poll, in which the NDA led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. It was estimated that the government would return for the third time. According to the exit poll, this time, the country is seen as a Modi government. These exit poll predictions show that Prime Minister Modi’s government will return with a huge majority. With the formation of the BJP government in the country for the third consecutive time, the country will not only become stronger but India will move towards becoming the third superpower of the world.
Even though the stock market witnessed huge fluctuations last week, Sensex and Nifty have reached their new all-time highs… Now it will be interesting to see if the shares will move after the election results. How much speed will be seen in the market and how many years will it break records.