On Sunday morning, an incident of firing was reported outside Salman Khan’s house. The police have started investigating the matter, which has now been transferred to the crime branch. New information has come to light suggesting that the conspiracy to fire at Salman’s house was hatched in America. The shooters allegedly received orders from virtual numbers, and weapons were arranged for them at the behest of Rohit Godara.
Rohit Godara Given the Responsibility of Firing:
Currently, police in five states – Maharashtra, Delhi, Rajasthan, Haryana, and Punjab – are searching for the shooters. Sources reveal that planning for the firing outside Salman Khan’s house had been ongoing for about a month. Anmol Bishnoi, who is in America, allegedly assigned the responsibility of selecting the shooters to Rohit Godara, also residing in America. Godara reportedly has a network of dozens of professional shooters across many states.
Who is Rohit Godara?
According to agency sources, Rohit Godara currently holds the strongest network within the Lawrence Bishnoi gang, while residing in America. He was allegedly involved in the high-profile Raju Theth murder case and the Sukhdev Singh Gogamedi murder case in Rajasthan, arranging shooters for both incidents. The Bishnoi gang reportedly maintains a consignment of weapons ready for operations, kept at the homes and addresses of the gang’s helpers in various states. Shooters are said to receive weapons at a fixed place as per the need and time.
How the Shooters Got the Weapons:
There is a strong suspicion that Rohit Godara provided both shooters with a consignment of weapons from his associate, following which they carried out the firing. Most shooters associated with the Bishnoi gang reportedly join the gang themselves and are always ready to undertake major tasks.
Why Did Rohit Godara Choose Vishal alias Kalu?
This decision may be related to the recent Sachin murder case at a dhaba in Rohtak. Vishal and other shooters, allegedly at the behest of Rohit Godara, were involved in Sachin’s murder. Vishal Kalu, known for his fearless style as seen in CCTV footage, was chosen to carry out the firing at Salman Khan’s house.
Anmol Bishnoi’s Role in the Firing:
According to agencies, Anmol Bishnoi mentioned Dawood Ibrahim and Chhota Shakeel in his social media post. This could indicate a desire to diminish their dominance in Mumbai’s extortion syndicate and establish his own influence. After the firing, Anmol took immediate responsibility and posted about it on social media.